Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dyson Vacuums - They Suck!

Well, that’s what the Dyson claims anyway.  What is it about the Dyson vacuum cleaners that make them so great?  It is definitely not the price, which is steep for some buyers.  The Dyson vacuum cleaner has something special, something that no other vacuum cleaner manufacturer can claim.  Dyson vacuums use a unique technology designed by James Dyson and his engineers dubbed Root CycloneTM technology.   Rather than relying solely on bags and filters to capture and trap all of the dust and debris in your home or office, the Dyson vacuum cleaner uses a patented cyclonic technology to literally spin dirt, dust, and debris out of the air.

This patented Root CycloneTM technology is the main reason the Dyson vacuum cleaner doesn’t lose suction like other vacuums.  This technology is also responsible for picking up more dirt from your home than any other vacuum while expelling clean air back into your surroundings. The Root CycloneTM technology utilizes a centrifugal force to separate dust from the air, removing 150 times more mold and bacteria from the air in your home than a typical vacuum in its class.  Combine the use of the Root CycloneTM technology and the implementation of two separate filters, and you can begin to see what makes a Dyson vacuum cleaner suck.

Other conventional vacuum cleaners also use filter technologies to remove dirt and debris from the air cycling throughout the vacuum, but these vacuums do not contain other components built to aid in this process.  With a Dyson vacuum cleaner, the Root CycloneTM technology and the filters work in conjunction to remove debris of all sizes from the air.  Airflow through the Dyson vacuum head first travels through a washable pre-filter, then through the motor which works to separate the dust particles from the air, with dirt and debris deposited into the clear bin.  Finally the exiting air flow is filtered through the washable HEPA post motor filter. 

The clear bin makes emptying the dirt and debris from your Dyson simple and easy.  Simply remove the clear bin, hold over the garbage receptacle, and push a button.  Dirt quickly falls from the trap door at the bottom of the clear bin and is stored in the trash without the user having to touch the dirt or look down into the canister.  This is great news for allergy sufferers and just a small part of the reason the Dyson vacuum cleaner is fitted with the Seal of Approval from the UK Allergy Foundation, warranted by the Asthma and Allergy foundation of America, is approved by the Nation’s Asthma Council Australia, and warranted by the Asthma Society of Canada to be asthma and allergy friendly.  No other vacuum cleaner on the market can claim the same allergy friendly approval from these highly respected foundations.

Dyson also claims that their vacuums never lose suction.  This claim is supported through their rigorous testing of the Root CycloneTM technology.  By using a unique system to remove debris from the air, the debris never causes a block or a clog in the hosing system, filtration system, or motor systems which are the typical points of clogging in traditional vacuum cleaners.  When debris is deposited in the clear bin continually you can rest assured that your Dyson vacuum will always suck, guaranteed.

By utilizing washable filters in the Dyson vacuum cleaners and a clean-emptying, washable clear bin for collecting debris, users save money on regular costs and maintenance such as filters or bags.  What’s better is that Dyson vacuums come in a large array of shapes and sizes, and every one of them utilized the Root CycloneTM technology.  See for yourself why a Dyson vacuum cleaner is the leader in suction technology and the best-selling vacuum cleaner on the market today.

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